Monday, August 2, 2010

Gay Marriage Rights.

On November 5, 2008, Proposition 8, the clause which defined the only valid type of marriage, as the union between a man and a woman, was added to the California Constitution. Although this proposition was passed two years ago, the addition of this prop is still being fought today.
The U.S. was founded upon the principles of the people's right to equality and the pursuit of happiness, however Prop. 8 is a blatant contradiction to these principles. By limiting the validity of marriage to that of straight couples, the state of California is ignoring the rights of same-sex couples. Regardless of whether or not you support same-sex marriage, these couple still deserve the right to consider marriage as an option. There is currently a movement to repeal Prop. 8 on November 3, 2010. In order to place this initiative on the November 2010 ballot, signatures, are currently being collected.
What will repealing Prop. 8 mean exactly? By removing this proposition from the California Constitution, the right to marriage will be granted to same-sex couples, churches must respect the marriage between two people of the same gender and public schools will teach respect for both the marriage between that of a man and a woman and the marriage of a same-sex couple. This will take the education of equality even further, and in addition to teaching equality, the people of California will also be practicing the equality that we teach our children today.
Although you may not support the marriage of two people with the same gender, Prop. 8 represents much more than that, and by supporting Prop. 8, you are supporting our country's belief of equal rights and the pursuit of happiness, and in turn teaching future generations a basis of acceptance and respect.
For more information on proposition 8, go to
For more information on the repeal of proposition 8 go to
//Serafina Tulioc.

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