Monday, August 2, 2010

Guns at home

On July 27, 2010 two boys, Bryan Gonzalez, 12, and Christian Gonzalez, 10, were found dead in a ravine on private property in Chino Hills. There were 60 feet away from their home. Investigators determine their death from gunshot wounds from a gun nearby. The owner of the gun turned out to be their father's. The father had stated that they kept their hand gun in an unlocked case. They had lived in a fairly safe and quiet neighborhood and a fellow resident stated that this incident greatly affected their community. A suicide pact or a murder-suicide were both considered by Chino investigators.

After reading this article I was pretty surprised. Not at the fact that the kids got a hold of the gun but the fact that the parents had left the case unlocked. Also, finding out that the kids were 10 and 12 shocked me too. I feel at that age you have a pretty basic understanding about guns and why you shouldn't play with them. These are just my opinions and feelings on this article, whether you agree or disagree is all up to you. I feel that guns at home are incredibly dangerous especially with children in the household. I can understand the necessity for safety and a means for security. However, violence just leads to more violence. Leaving the gun case unlocked is extremely risky and dangerous, allowing any individual to get a hold of the weapon. For whatever reason, it's just not a safe environment for children. Violence has always been an issue around the world with various opinions regarding it. These are simply mine and you are entitled to your own.

If you are interested in more information on this topic visit Article by Lori Consalvo 7/28/2010.

-Nancy Tat

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